Good morning,
Death is imminent. It happens to everyone. Have you thought about your funeral service? Scripture, bio, songs to be sung, or the person to conduct the service?
This devotional might help.
I desire that this may be the text at my funeral:
“The Aged Christian’s Final Farewell to the World and its Vanities” John Whitson, 1558-1629)
I desire that this may be the text at my funeral: Psalm 42:2, “My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?”
Oh! when shall I ascend to the eternal throne of blessedness, where no comforts are lacking?
When shall I be covered with the glorious robe of immortality, and shine in the brightness of my Redeemer’s innocence?
When shall I behold the lovely face of my Lord and dwell in the courts of His holy temple, where . . .
all tears shall be wiped away from my eyes,
all sorrows removed from my heart,
and all sins and spots are done away?
Where I shall exchange the dross of this world, for true and durable riches!
Where, instead of these earthly riches which moth and rust corrupt–I shall enjoy the heavenly riches of perfect peace and good conscience, never to be lost!
Instead of these false and flattering honors, I shall enjoy everlasting glory, and be admitted into the fellowship of my Redeemer to reign with Him in His glorious kingdom!
Instead of vain andmomentary pleasures, I shall be filled with fullness of joy and be ravished with those delights which neither eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man to conceive!
Instead of this dark and cloudy knowledge, I shall have my heart enlightened with the beams of the true light!
Instead of this feeble strength, I shall be endowed with the might of angels!
Instead of this transitory health, I shall enjoy a powerful and immortal vigor!
Instead of this fading beauty, I shall be adorned with the loveliness of Christ’s spouse!
Instead of long life, I shall be crowned with life eternal!
We shall sing, Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord God almighty! Heaven and Earth are full of your glory. Glory be to You, O Lord, most High.
And now, as the deer pants for the water-brooks, so longs my soul after You, O God! (Psalm 42:1)
O that I had wings like a dove, that I might fly away and be at rest!
For whom have I in Heaven but You–and who is there upon earth that I desire but You? (Psalm 55:6)
My heart and my strength fail me, but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever! (Psalm 73:26)
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One caveat to your plan needs to be the destination. This devotion is sufficient if you are planning to go to heaven. You have trusted Christ to be your Lord and Savior.
However, if you choose to go to hell, then the above devotion is not appropriate. There will be no comfort there. There will be unquenchable fire, no water, no relief, utter isolation, and no God.
We each make our own choices!
Tom Stearns, WASI Chaplain, 907 715-4001