Good morning,
Death is an equal opportunity employer. No one knows when they will die. Death ends life and we go into an eternal state. Today you may choose. Death ends our opportunity to choose.
The two choices are heaven and hell. You must choose one or the other. To choose neither is to choose hell.
Please choose heaven.
I am in eternity–and you are on the brink!
(James Smith, “A Solemn Admonition” 1859)
Passing through a country graveyard the other day, an inscription on a head-stone struck my eye. The stone was by the side of the path, where everyone could see it, and it was placed there in memory of a young man who died at the age of seventeen. It was–
“Reader, one moment,
Stop, and think:
That I am in eternity!
And you are on the brink!”
In eternity! A young man, only seventeen years of age, in eternity!
In a fixed, a changeless, an eternal state!
In Heaven–or in Hell!
Saved with an everlasting salvation–or damned forever!
If it should be the latter–what a fearful supposition! And yet many have gone to Hell–before they have been seventeen years of age!
“I am in eternity–and you are on the brink!” Yes, though you may be young, apparently healthy, full of life and vigor–you are on the brink of eternity! A slight accident, or a few days illness–and you are in eternity! What a solemn thought!
What will eternity be to you?
Where will you be in eternity?
Are your sins pardoned?
Are you reconciled to God by the death of His Son?
Are you sanctified by the Holy Spirit–and thus made fit for Heaven?
If not, remember that in Hell, there is . . .
no gospel,
no means of grace,
no way of escape from the wrath of God!
Once there–and your doom is fixed forever!
Think, O think . . .
Of the dreadful consequences of dying in your sins!
Of going down to the grave in an unconverted state!
Of dying under the curse of God!
“Behold, now is the accepted time!
Behold, now is the day of salvation!”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Reader! The above was written over 150 years ago.
All who then read this little piece–are now in eternity!
All who now read this little piece–are on the brink!
“Reader, one moment,
Stop, and think:
That I am in eternity!
And you are on the brink!”
~ ~ ~ ~
There is no more important decision that you will ever make. Do not put it off. Please ask Jesus to be your Savior and Lord.
If you are saved, please share this devotional with a lost friend.
Thank you.
Tom Stearns, WASI Chaplain, 907 715-4001