Good morning,
God sees everything. Do we believe that? If so, why is it that we allow ourselves to sin. Why do we disobey God’s written word? Do we believe there are consequences to our sin?
Today’s devotional should make us think and determine to obey God.
My Father’s eye!
(James Smith, “The Pastor’s Evening Visit”)
“Your Father who sees in secret.” Matthew 6:6
Can anyone hide himself from the Lord in secret places?
Can I, under any circumstances, escape His notice?
The eye of God has been fixed upon me every second of this day; it is now at this moment fixed fully upon me. But it is my Father’s eye! My Father sees in secret!
He sees my needs–and my woes.
He sees every secret working of my foes–and will save me from them.
He sees every secret influence which is likely to injure me–and will prevent it.
He sees . . .
the secret workings of my heart,
my hidden thoughts,
my unuttered desires,
my soul conflicts,
my private temptations.
But He sees also my secret sins!
Every evil thought,
every unfitting word,
every improper action–
passes under His eye!
Solemn consideration this!
May it make me cautious. May it preserve me . . .
from yielding to temptation,
from nourishing sinful thoughts, and
from acting inconsistent with my profession.
My heavenly Father sees me!
He sees me at this moment!
He sees me every moment!
He sees my most secret motives, thoughts, and purposes!
He who thus sees me–hates every sin with an infinite hatred!
“There is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do!” Hebrews 4:13
What will God see in our lives today?
Tom Stearns, WASI Chaplain, 907 715-4001