Good morning,
We may have audience with the King of the universe!
Prayer is a difficult, and often an arduous work–but it is the life and soul of a Christian.
It is not only his incumbent duty–but his most precious privilege.
My Christian friend, the Throne of Grace is yours!
Your Father is seated on it.
Your Savior has sprinkled it with His blood.
The Holy Spirit draws you sweetly to kneel before it.
The promise, when there, is, “Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it!”
What an honor thus to approach the King of kings! Were we to have audience with an earthly monarch–we would deem it the superlative event in our history, and boast of it through life. But we may have audience with the King of the universe! Nay, we have liberty to approach Him at any time, and under all circumstances!
Have we needs? He can supply them.
Are we in trouble? He can extricate us.
Do afflictions press our souls? He can mitigate and remove them.
Does sin pollute our joys? With Him is the fountain of cleansing.
Does Satan vex our souls? He invites us to His arms as our refuge.
God knows your infirmities, your temptations, and your trials–and is ever ready to afford you relief.
There is nothing which so elevates the morals and character, as deep and intimate communion with God.
The godly man converses with God. At the Throne of Grace we acquire a benevolence, a dignity, a humility, which . . .
throws around us an attractive luster,
puts sweetness into every action and expression,
makes us . . .
contented in every condition of life,
patient under every affliction, and
faithful in the discharge of every duty!
“Let us therefore come boldly to the Throne of Grace–that we may obtainmercy and find grace to help in time of need!” Hebrews 4:16
Tom Stearns, WASI Chaplain, 907 715-4001