Good morning,
Octavius Winslow expands our study from yesterday on contentment.
None of us enjoy chastisement or punishment. We sometimes rebel against God’s discipline in our lives.
Today we will see why God’s discipline is so important.
The chastening of love!
(Octavius Winslow)
“For the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and chastises every son whom
He receives.” Hebrews 12:6
Oh, could we always analyze
the embittered cup–how astonished
would we be to find that in the bitterest draught that ever touched our lips, the principal ingredient
was love!Divine love saw the disciplineto be needful.
Divine love selected the chastisementwhich was sent.
Divine love appointed the instrumentby which it should
Divine love arranged the circumstancesby which it should
take place.
Divine love fixed the timewhen it should
Divine love determined the durationof the affliction.
Divine love heard the sigh.
Divine love saw the tear.
Divine love marked the anguish.
Divine love never for one moment withdrew its beaming eye
from the sufferer.
Alas! How much this precious truth is overlooked by the
disciplined and suffering believer!
Think, suffering child of God, of the many consoling,
alleviating and soothing circumstances connected with your chastisement. Think
of . . .
the many divine supports,
the precious promises,
the tenderness of God,
the gentleness of Christ,
and all this will demonstrate to you that this is the chastening of love!
Welcome your trials; they are sent by your heavenly Father.
Welcome the stroke of His rod; it is your loving Parent smiting.
Welcome whatever detaches you from earth, and wings your
spirit heavenward.
Welcome the furnace that consumes the dross and the tin, and brings out the
precious gold and silver–to reflect in your soul, even now, the dawnings of
future glory.
Oh! be submissive, meek, and quiet under God’s
chastening and afflicting hand!
“Those whom I love I rebuke and
discipline.” Revelation 3:19
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Tom Stearns, WASI Chaplain, 907 715-4001