Good morning,
We all have had fathers. Some were kind, loving, and always available while others were brutal, mean, and rarely around.
Our heavenly Father is the standard of what fatherhood should be. Although no earthly father can match God, we can certainly try.
Rest in the fact that if we are believer’s in Christ, God is our Father.
If God is our Father
(James Smith, “The Children’s Privileges!”)
“You are sons of the living God!” Hosea 1:10
To have God for our Father, is the greatest honor conceivable–and it is an infinite source of comfort and joy!
If God is our Father—He will love us with a strong and tender love! He may try us and hide His face from us, to correct us for our follies–but He will still love us. Nothing shall separate His child from His love, or sever the bond which unites us to Himself.
If God is our Father—He will bear with our numerous and painful infirmities. Because we are His children–He will put the best construction upon everything. For, “Like as a Father pities his children, so the Lord pities those who love Him. He knows our frame. He remembers that we are dust.” He will accept our imperfect services, because we are but children. He knows our weakness, ignorance, and failings; and He also knows our desire to please Him. And when we can only desire–He accepts the will for the deed.
If God is our Father—He will provide for and take care of us—making provision for us on earth, while He reserves our portion for Heaven. Will an earthly father leave his child to lack–while he has plenty, and can supply him with the greatest ease? He will not! Neither will our Heavenly Father; but He will supply all our needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus!
If God is our Father—He will also protect us from all evils—spiritual and temporal.
Sin shall not have dominion over us,
Satan shall not overcome us,
the world shall not destroy us
–for God will protect us!
He will keep us by His power, through faith unto salvation.
If God is our Father—He will reveal His mind and will to us for our comfort and salvation. He may hide the mysteries of the kingdom from the wise and prudent–but He will reveal them unto His babes. (Matthew 11:25) He will send the Comforter, even the Spirit of truth, who will guide us into all truth.
If God is our Father—He will give us freedom of access into His presence with confidence–so that we may carry all our sins, sorrows, troubles, and temptations to Him, and lay them at His feet; feeling that we have to do with a Father–one who loves us, pities us, and delights to bless us!
If God is our Father—He will make all things work together for our good.
Good things–such as mercies, blessings, and comforts.
Bad things–such as sickness, poverty, reproach, persecution, bereavements, death.
ALL shall work our good, and issue in our eternal welfare.
If we are children of God—we are heirs of every promise in His Book, and joint-heirs with Jesus Himself! He will give us a Father’s blessing–a blessing worthy of His greatness, majesty, and glory. And He will keep us safe in every danger, and from every foe; so that we shall never perish–but possess and enjoy eternal life.
“‘I will be a Father to you, and you will be My sons and daughters,’ says the Lord Almighty.” 2 Corinthians 6:18
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We should spend time this week meditating on God our Father. What a blessing we have as a child of God.
Rejoice and be thankful for this.
Tom Stearns, WASI Chaplain, 907 715-4001