Club50 is a fitness center for individuals 50 and older, located on the Wasilla Area Seniors, Inc. campus. Club 50 provides clean, accessible exercise equipment and offers a variety of fitness classes for seniors of all skill and mobility levels.
Open Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Lockers, dressing room, and showers are available for member use.
Work out independently using our equipment or attend one of our many classes.
Strong Seniors class
Free classes are offered in the following locations: WASI, Mid-Valley Senior Center, Willow Community Center, Meadow Lakes, and Good Samaritan Lutheran Church. We offer an online class M-W-F at 8:30 a.m. For more information on class schedules please call 907-206-8807.
Tai Chi
Tai Chi is a gentle form of exercise, done in slow and continuous motion. Tai Chi movements use the whole body.

Workout Yoga
